AY LIVE IN LONDON 2017 (generation of laughter)

AY LIVE IN LONDON 2017 (generation of laughter) Featuring @igodye_ @Akpororo @Kennyblaqmcfr @Klintdadrunk @OsamaComedian @mrceecomedian @Josh2Funny @thenjiwecomedy and many more DATE: Saturday, 18th, November, 2017. VENUE: LIGHTHOUSE HALL, 262 Camberwell Road, London, SE5 0DP TIME: Red carpet from 6pm, Show starts 7pm ONLINE: www.peektickets.com www.shoobs.com www.eventbrite.co.uk www.cokobar.com TICKET: From £30 (Early Bird) TICKETS / Info +447794 288054 +447813455579 a#peektickets #Nollypeek #rytaddiva #jromanagement #ryta #klm #anticipate #comedy #comedywithadifference #fun #LaughterNoBemadness #musicalcomedy #unlimitedlaughter #laughter #biggest #best #brand #from #africa #aylive #ayliveinlondo2017 #aylivelondon2017 #aylive2017